Extremism is threatening public education.

It’s up to us to stand up for the right of all children to learn.

Photo by Allison Shelley, courtesy of Creative Commons

Democracy and Education helps school board candidates and their supporters protect our public schools and stand up for democracy.

To help candidates win

this fight, we provide:

  • No jargon. No education-ese. Just straightforward information on a range of topics, from reading instruction to school finance, with links to learn more.

  • “So, You Want to Run for School Board?” Our five-part podcast covers the basics, from your message and organization to where to place your lawn signs.

    Our "Democracy and Education” podcast highlights communities where people like you are standing up to anti-education extremists.

  • Our archives document the extremist assault on public education and help you learn more about school boards, candidates, and communities that have successfully faced down the threat.

  • Check out our state-by-state primer on how to run for school board—where to file and how to find out what laws to follow.

    For more detailed training guides on all aspects of a campaign, join us! It’s easy—just fill out the form on the Connect page.

    Our only requirement is that you support public education and democracy, and we have a wonderful array of political viewpoints among our members.

    Also, if you’re in need of a web site that won’t break your budget, we can put you in touch with a friendly web designer.

  • We’re not alone in this fight - other organizations are working hard and developing resources to support progressive school board candidates. We’ll help put you in touch with the best of the bunch.

  • Our ranks include school board candidates, board members, subject-matter experts, and volunteers from around the country. We keep in touch with a members-only forum and monthly strategy calls. Join us.

Events and Updates

School Boards are the First Line of Defense

by Karin Chenoweth in the Grassroots Connector